Anti-corruption policy team ТОО «AG TECH»

Extracts from the code
The sole participant of "AG TECH" LLP from July 24, 2020 ¹ 2020/07-01
"On approval of the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct of "AG TECH" LLP


Chapter 5 " Anti-corruption"

  1. We do not tolerate bribery of officials (both public and private) in any form, whether within or outside the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. In our operations, we are guided by the following fundamental principles:
    1. consistency in eliminating corporate corruption;
    2. wide participation of the personnel in combating corruption;
    3. lawful relations with partners, contractors and clients;
    4. openness and transparency of procurement procedures;
    5. active cooperation with the government and promotion of justice
    6. public accountability and effective financial control;
    7. formation of an anti-corruption culture of doing business and increasing its responsibility to society and the public.
  3. We take measures aimed at implementing this Code in relations with partners and customers. For example, agreements with partners and counterparties include provisions aimed at preventing corruption.  In order to eliminate conditions conducive to corrupt practices, we consider disputes with partners, counterparties and clients in the framework of mediation and arbitration procedures. Measures are also taken to determine whether partners and customers have mechanisms in place to prevent corrupt practices. Actions aimed at unlawful restriction of competition in business activities, including bribery of their officials or commercial espionage, are not tolerated.
  4. We do not allow granting or promising to grant any benefits, or advantages to government officials for actions that are contrary to their official duties or that restrict fair competition.
  5. We shall independently and systematically identify the causes and eliminate the conditions conducive to corruption violations.
  6. We refuse to participate in the acquisition, concealment, sale and other forms of illegally obtained property.
  7. If we discover indications of participation in corruption violations in the actions of partners or customers, we will inform the appropriate government authorities.