DMMS system modules were implemented at the Shatyrkul mine of Kazakhmys Corporation

AG TECH has completed the commissioning of DMMS Positioning and Emergency Notification system modules at the Shatyrkul mine Kazakhmys Corporation LLP

The AG TECH team has successfully completed the commissioning of the DMMS system modules - "Positioning" and "Emergency Notification" - into pilot operation at the Shatyrkul mine of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP in the Zhambyl region.

Our specialists tested and verified the functionality of the system together with mine workers. Training on how to operate the system was also conducted for dispatchers, site managers and workers.

Thus, we have fully completed the implementation of the project to replicate the “Positioning” and “Emergency Notification” modules at 11 mines of the Kazakhmys company.

Let us remind you that as part of cooperation, we also implemented a DMMS system at Mine 67 of the Zapadny mine and a monitoring system for quality control workers at the Balkhash processing plant.

Detailed information about the DMMS system and its modules is published on the website

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